Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Car Seat Strollers - Lightweight, Convenient and Safe Alternative

As a parent, you are dealing with security and portability when you decide to roll-your precious child. These days, parents are well informed about the different access that are available and many people opt for products that are less bulky and can be used as a car seat carrier. Imagine getting through a day full of tasks that access is very easy and weighs nearly nothing!

As a parent, you are dealing with security and portability when you decide to roll-your precious child. These days, parents are well informed about the different access that are available and many people opt for products that are less bulky and can be used as a car seat carrier. Imagine getting through a day full of tasks that access is very easy and weighs nearly nothing!


car seat stroller frames are very affordable, compact and lightweight, which is very useful during large changes in your family is going through with the new baby. You actually get two products for the price of one, as a child carrier seat is easily transported to a compatible stroller frame. This product is easy to use and relatively inexpensive, durable and lightweight, making this type of stroller is ideal for mothers who have to travel every day with their babies.


Baby Trend is now offering Snap-N-Go single or double stroller car sjedalo.Snap-N-Go allows you to move your child is responsible for the child seat directly to the Stroller frame without taking the baby from prijevoznika.Snap-N-Go stroller frame can be folded, making it easy to store at home or in the car. This model includes some nice additional features such as extra-large storage basket, parent tray, which includes two holders čaše.Stražnje wheels includes security kočnice.Snap-N-Go Stroller Baby Trend are compatible with 22:30 of pound infants and chief brand child seat, such as Chicco KeyFit 30 Chicco KeyFit, Graco Sungride 32, and Snugride.Jedan Graco stroller frame weighs only 12 pounds and weighs 18 pounds twice.

Combi offers several car seat frame stroller called Coccoro Flash and Flash EX, which is a best seller. Each model folds in 3 seconds and has excellent reviews from owners on various web-trgovaca.Sjedalo can be easily attached and detached and parents feel that it is easy to maneuver and store. Both the stroller frame that offers Combi weigh up to 11 pounds, so that they cinch to transfer, but powerful enough to be safe.

Finally, Graco has SnugRider stroller that is compatible with all Graco child seat sales. Weighing only 12 pounds, SnugRider fits nicely in almost any hull. There are two cup holders for parents and storage bin that is large enough for all purposes, that has gotten this stroller car seat 4.5-star review of hundreds of happy customers. One of the best features SnugRider it can be concluded within a few seconds using only one ruku.Zaključavanja front swivel wheels provide easy handling and height-adjustable handle allows parents to adjust suits for walking comfort.

Now that you know about this convenient alternative to travel system and a full-size stroller, I do not want to explore this option further?

Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck - A Review

Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck is without doubt one of the best toys that you can gift your child this Christmas. If your son likes hard, fast and strong at runtime, this toy is exactly what he is looking forward to this Christmas. Your son will rule the whole neighborhood with extravagant and extremely powerful truck. His pals will be inspired awe by the sheer strength and toughness. This truck offers almost everything you and your son is looking for an executive-engineering, advanced pace and outstanding value.

Fast Lane Wild Fire Truck Monster Truck is by far the largest ever in the history of toys, weighing £ 20th It is a four-wheel drive truck with Nine Inch deep treaded wheels and a huge 2 feet long is the body that can handle almost any terrain. It is 28.6 inches by 19.4 inches x 18.2 inches and the largest you'll find on the market.

Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck can perform incredible stunts like three hundred and sixty-degree spin. As an added attraction, the new roll bar is also attached. Similar to a real monster truck, the exhaust pipe can also be lit. Even the sounds of Fast Lane Wild Fire Truck makes it so real that you feel there is a real monster truck game with your child.

and the battery charger is supplied with the Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck. To enable your child to enjoy endless hours of uninterrupted fun and excitement you can also buy spare baterije.Ovo toy provides your child the security and represents absolutely no threat from any ozljede.Antena is made shorter, and other security measures are poduzete.Obuhvat plan 15 days is offered in cases of performance problems or injuries. Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck is recommended for all six-year-olds and above.

Fast Lane Wild Fire Monster Truck May be a little high on the price tag, but you can be rest assured that the quality and performance are worth it. It can perform any stunt that it claims, and it can compete with and beat all the other kids in the neighborhood have. If you want your son to light with joy at Christmas, this vehicle will be fully live up to all its expectations and ensure the long hours of fun and excitement.

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Drive a Ferrari 360 Modena With a Ferrari Driving Experience Gift

With a price far beyond the reach of most, the dream of driving a Ferrari just that, a dream. However, there are ways to make it a dream come true. If you really want to drive a Ferrari without a second mortgage you can always look at the Ferrari driving experience. Driving experience gifts to give you or your loved one the opportunity to get behind the wheel of a Ferrari 360 Modena awesome, on the right track with a certified instructor by your side.


Built as a replacement for the Ferrari F355 awesome - considered one of the most beautiful and valuable Ferrari ever made ​​- Ferrari 360 Modena certainly had a lot to live up to, it could not only be well needed to be fantastic in most of the reviews, it is just that, fantastic. All new, all aluminum chassis, drive in a Ferrari 360 Modena is much harder than the 355 and weight savings is a good bit faster. Power comes from Ferrari's most powerful atmospheric V8, 3586 cc, to produce 400 brake horsepower. Take 360 to its limits and will accelerate from 0 to 60 miles per hour in just 4.5 seconds, hold your feet firmly on the floor, and you'll be on top of a whopping 183 miles per hour. But it's not just the speed when driving Ferrari, this is the noise as well, drive V8 above 4000 revs, the engine note changes from the roaring crackle on the full blown wail, the sound that makes the hairs stand up on the back of the neck.

The drive on the racetrack or drive to the airport

Ferrari driving experience is held on two types of spaces, you can either drive on the right path or drive to the airport. While the airport has a chance to drive a Ferrari fast, most people think that is the place to drive a Ferrari on the track. On the track, Ferrari really comes to life, experiencing not only a tremendous speed, but you also get the feeling that Ferrari drive in an environment built for.

Drive Experience

On arrival in the circuit will have a 15-minute briefing on what your driving experience Ferrari will involve including all aspects of your safety. After that is off track, where skilled drivers will follow the four miles in a Mini Cooper S, you learn the racing line and the circle shows how to get the best out of his Ferrari drive. After getting to know it's time to go to the Ferrari to drive your life. With six miles of unforgettable Ferrari 360 Modena in front of you, the instructor will be by your side to ensure you get the most out of your drive. This experience will leave you grinning from ear to ear for hours afterwards.

On arrival in the circuit will have a 15-minute briefing on what your driving experience Ferrari will involve including all aspects of your safety. After that is off track, where skilled drivers will follow the four miles in a Mini Cooper S, you learn the racing line and the circle shows how to get the best out of his Ferrari drive. After getting to know it's time to go to the Ferrari to drive your life. With six miles of unforgettable Ferrari 360 Modena in front of you, the instructor will be by your side to ensure you get the most out of your drive. This experience will leave you grinning from ear to ear for hours afterwards.


Jumat, 25 November 2011

Car Wash Fundraisers and Waste Water Restrictions in California

Many cities are disallowing car wash fundraisers unless non-profit group can guarantee that no dirty car wash soapy water will go into the storm drain. No matter how you feel about the government's philosophy on car wash fundraisers, we suggest that you follow some of the following Best Management Practices (BMP's) especially if your city or county regulates such discharges. They could not, and a little soap is actually good for the environment. I suggest that you use coconut-based soap or soap-based citrus. Maybe even try liquid organic Cleaner (LOC) from Amway. That does not make a lot of soap operas, but it works great and will not harm the environment or fish, if a little escape (car wash waste water discharges) finds its way into the storm drain. If you're in the city or county that regulates discharges from car wash fundraisers, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, you're going to have to follow the rules.

We suggest that you use the following water containing waste wash water and prevent waste from entering nearby storm drains or watercourses. We call this method "Best Management Practices" or "BMP". Your goal should be not to let any water containing soap to enter any storm drain. With this aim in mind, you should continue to have a great fundraiser and earn the much needed money that your organization deserves.

BMP # 1: Block off the storm drain. Try washing your car at the highest point, hopefully a flat surface. At the end of the day after most of the water evaporates, the remaining pump water into the sewer drain. If you are on a gas station, they can have a dump for RV WC.Clarifier is also good. Maybe restroom toilet. For sunny days most of the water will evaporate. If anyone in your group has a water pump to ask local authorities waste water, if you can borrow a pump for your event. Vacuum the water shop vacuum.

BMP # 2: Choose a place where cars can drive on grass or gravel before washing. This way soapy water can filter through vegetation and soil before entering the groundwater or run off into the drainage ditch or storm drain.

BMP # 3:. Have a car wash, but do not use soap

BMP # 4: Block off the storm drains and pump waste water left over in the grass or crops in time of water landscaping. Make the most of water evaporate before pumping so you do not overflow with plants.

BMP # 5:. Choose a place where water flows into the field or landscape just after the pavement ends

Because the water that makes it so bad anyway?

Well, first of all, we have chlorine in tap water. There is also magnesium and calcium. And that's before you even wash one car. If you spray the hose in the air that is what is in the water before it hits the ground. Because calcium and magnesium in the water in California, especially Southern California, it is necessary to soften our vode.Klora and we add fluoride to our water does not help either. Hard water spots are a big problem. Just park your car near the sprinklers at home and you'll see exactly what we are talking about. If your car is dark in color and you park it in the sun, a stronghold of the water will etch themselves into your clear coat and cause permanent damage to your paint job.Kemikalije bake the paint.

desert cities such as Lancaster, Palm Springs, etc. have a big problem with that. You see, when the 115 ° C in the shade, cars dry in three minutes. Fortunately, more hair can be dry in two car minute.Posada two can stay on top of it drying most cars in the 1:00 to 1:30 minuta.Glavni soaping.Sapun problem is dry before you rinse the water evaporates from the soap bucket every fifth automobil.Prskalica must follow soaper around the car, which is good because, at the time they were done, they are hot. They can take turns spraying each other off.

If you have ever taken any chemistry classes, you know that just about everything is soluble in water over time. Water can be combined with almost anything and make some pretty weird compounds, none of which are particularly good for the environment.

is caused by water hardness ions of calcium and magnesium that make water-insoluble compounds. You can also find the iron, and even traces of aluminum in our water. Our water is some of the clearest and cleanest in the world. It comes from the DWP (Department for water and electricity) and MWD (Metropolitan Water District). Actually it does not come from there. It begins as rain, drain lakes and rivers, and led to people canals, pipes and pumping stations.

So, that's exactly what's in the water before washing. Now here is what might be in the water after the car wash. 6-22 mg / l oil and grease. Usually it does not come off the car. This is what is already on the ground that the water washes. Yuk! How would you like to drink bottled water. There are also suspended solids (TSS) with concentrations of 35-151 mg / l. Much of the dirt, but we can never know where each car was and what was in the dirt (eg bird droppings). There will also be a foaming substance (soap) with concentrations from 0.3 to 1.41 mg / l, which is very low. However, I would not want to drink it or use to make ice cubes. Probably not, but there could also be toluene, ethylbenzene, and benzene. These are wicked ingredients that definitely do not want floating around in your pet's water bowl or cappuccino women. All other escape from the car wash meets the standards of drinking water, and certainly not going to adversely affect wildlife or kill any ocean going fish.

Regional Water Quality Control Board is not only the administrative bodies of water ispuštanja.Obalne Commission is also very concerned, as well as the Department of Fish and Game. Both agencies have the authority to issue civil penalties for water pollution.

For more information about water quality please contact:

California Department of Fish and Game

Marine Resources Division

330 Golden Shore, Suite 50

Long Beach, CA 90802

FAX (310) 590-5193

Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board

101 Centre Plaza Drive

Monterey Park, CA 91754

Monterey Park, CA 91754


A Guide to Monitoring Your Car Battery Water

If you want your car to go running smoothly, then there are several things that should be monitored, except for fuel and engine. Most owners are a little sloppy on lead batteries, which must be reviewed every once in a while. Although the new batteries may not need watering, the old do, even if you have the latest stations in your vehicle, you still need to check how much water it contains. This is part of monitoring the state of your battery.

frequency of use and charging affects the water content in bateriju.Više times are charging more often you should check the water level because during charging, when an electric current passes through the lead plates, the water passes through a decomposition reaction in which it is separated on its two components, hydrogen and oxygen gases. Thus, water is lost in this process. Keep in mind that this is also one of the reasons you have to avoid smoking when checking your battery, because hydrogen is highly flammable and oxygen would cause further burning, needless to say, and explosive gases


You should also be noted that the evaporation can cause loss of water in some old batteries. Therefore, you should check them more often during hot days, especially if you live in places with warm climates.

of danger when the vehicle is water flow is too low to too much heat can be generated by the battery and simultaneously lead plates can be damaged. This deterioration of the lead plates causing inefficiencies in the charging process during which water shortage May also cause irreversible destruction of records. In other words, the battery life is significantly reduced. This can only be an additional cost to you when all you would need anything more than that of water.

Even though you May have to check the water level never goes too low, you should also make sure to add only a certain amount of distilled water. For example, as a precaution, do not exceed the indicated levels of lead (which will be seen on the side of the battery). If not specified, make sure that water does not reach the bottom of the battery cap. Excess water can overflow into the electrolyte cells and cause dilution of acid.

However, not every type of water can be used. Although you might think that it is possible to get a bucket of pond, a strict rule requires that you use distilled water. Auto batteries or any other wet batteries for that matter relies on a perfect ionic or electrolyte balance in the cell. So, you can not change the chemical or electrolytic nature of the liquid inside. Pure water contains ions and thus are recommended for irrigation vehicle batteries. When we say water we mean clean, distilled, demineralized or deionized water. Tap water is not recommended because it would shorten the life of your wet cell.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

Learning How To Run A Car On Water - Quest Or Mission?

learn how to run car on water has become something of a quest for many, because gas prices are through the roof. Buying a hybrid car is an option, but they can be expensive, and if you connect to your current car as I do, finding ways to allow you to make your car more fuel efficient look much more appealing.

Surprisingly, convert your car to run on water is easier than you zvuči.Tehnologija water car talking about not using 100% water, but instead, a combination of water and fuel. There are simple manuals that explain in simple terms what it takes to make you car on water use in combination with the fuel to run.

Many people who have converted their cars were reported at least 50% increase in fuel consumption. So, if your car or truck currently gets 15 miles per gallon, using water in conjunction with natural gas can help your car to get 30 mpg under the same conditions. If you save $ 800 a year with only one converted car, imagine how much you can save if you have more than one car ...

Convert your car in a "water car" means a collection of materials for making simple to make, inexpensive device that uses a small amount of electricity from your car's battery to convert water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also known as "hydroxy" burns very efficiently and securely, providing a cheap source of energy for the car.

water fueled car runs smoother and cleaner than ordinary cars, reduce emissions, helping the environment, as well as a car owner saves money. Convert car to water car will not affect the guarantee while certain precautions taken to avoid breaking any rules.

In addition to fuel savings, many water fueled car owners find that they feel the improvement in the way the car performed very quickly, because it removes the carbon build up and prevents future damage. Water cars also tend to run quieter because of the positive impact that water has on the engine's combustion cycle.

In addition to fuel savings, many water fueled car owners find that they feel the improvement in the way the car performed very quickly, because it removes the carbon build up and prevents future damage. Water cars also tend to run quieter because of the positive impact that water has on the engine's combustion cycle.


Cars That Run on Water a True Energy Saver Or Waste of Time

Cars that run on water are becoming more popular every day. Why? Because people are frustrated and finding it difficult to continue paying through the nose for fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel to keep their vehicles on the road. Instead, they are desperately looking to find alternative and cheap natural resources such as water to expand its gas mileage and reduce their fuel costs. In addition, energy-conscious travelers who drive cars that run on water to reduce their fuel costs are environmentally friendly because they release far fewer emissions into the atmosphere.

So, what exactly are the cars that run on the water all about?

So, what exactly is this water car technology all about anyway? HHO, also known as Brown's gas or hydroxy (which is 2 parts hydrogen plus one part oxygen) is widely accepted by consumers who are discriminating fed up with rising costs of fossil fuels. With a few minor changes under the hood and a quart of distilled water and household baking soda, many passengers reportedly enjoying a visible increase in fuel consumption by 50%! This means, for example, if you own a Toyota Corolla, which now gets up to 35 miles per gallon, you could quite literally raise the mileage to 70 mpg after your car has been retrofitted with this device, which means big savings at the pump.

Cars that run on water: Is this technology difficult to install

will need to have an experienced mechanic to install the HHO generator in your car? No, but I have some rudimentary knowledge of cars is really a plus. However, installing HHO generators require very minimal engine modifications on your part, and there are conversion kits available that include easy-to-follow installation manual that will guide you every step of the way. Bottom line is, why spend hundreds of dollars to have someone else do it for you when you can do it all yourself?

Cars that run on water: Is this new technology

Is this HHO technology something new? Cars that run on water technologies are not new. In fact, burn water technology has been around for over 90 years now. If you remember from high school chemistry, you might think you had to complete an experiment called "Electrolysis of water." Cars that run on water (or people who have their cars converted to run on water), they accepted the very same basic principles you learned in high school chemistry.

In relation to the car, water4gas technology uses a little electricity from your car's battery to convert water into a gas called HHO.HHO gas then burns and produces a large amount of useful energy as a supplement to gasoline your car burns, resulting in a harmless water vapor, which was thrown back into okoliš.Krajnji result is a visible increase in car fuel efficiency, less time and money spent at the pump, cleaner, quieter and smoother running engine and a much cleaner environment.

Cars that run on water as a solution for the Rising fuel costs!

rising costs of gasoline and diesel fuel, along with our dependence on him, asked to seriously consider other viable alternatives to fossil fuels. Cars that run on water (or the people who own them) no longer have to depend entirely on fossil fuels and is experiencing phenomenal fuel economy and far fewer trips to the pump, respectively.

Can you imagine what would happen if each of us accept this technology and convert your car to burn water? That would definitely send a message to the powers-that-be, thus forcing our government to take a serious look at this and other green gas technology. Or at least, to force OPEC to reduce production costs for gasoline and diesel fuel, reducing our costs at the pump.

Rabu, 23 November 2011

How To Run My Car On Water - 5 Facts On Water For Gas DIY Hydrogen Generator System

If you're still stuck with high gas prices at the pump, you should look at this water 4 gas Do It Yourself Engine system. This is basically a system that uses hydrogen and oxygen from water to increase engine MPG, increase efficiency, reduce annual fuel costs, lower emissions, reduced carbon deposits in your engine, reducing noise from the engine and increase your car's life the duration.

The increase in car miles per gallon of gas (mpg): Fact # 1

diy water for gas system uses a hidden enormous energy in water, releasing hydrogen and oxygen gases using a simple jar through which direct current from the ignition tokove.Jednostavan device that can be put together in her car garage with an illustrated manual produced by the hydrogen when you switch on your car.

The hydrogen on demand ensures that you do not store any flammable hydrogen gas under the car hood. This is called the hydrogen on demand, and this is the safest way to handle hydrogen up to now.

hydrogen and oxygen mixture expands more than 18,000 times more than regular gasoline vapors. This means that gas will occupy more space in your car engine's combustion chamber at any trenutku.Rezultat is that much smaller amounts of gasoline is burned. Hydrogen and oxygen is released more than 20 times more energy than gasoline.

Because of the small quantities of gasoline are combusted within the engine, it means you use less gas for the same kilometražu.Punim tank will easily give you double the mileage you used in your car. Road tests have achieved 50% increase in mpg on heavy 350 V8 van, 56% of the Ford truck, 107% on my Toyota Corolla, 285% increase in the Chevy 4WD.

Reducing emissions car: Fact # 2

simple system will eventually reduce harmful emissions from motor vehicles, which means less pollution for you and your family. Combustion of H and O gas emits only water as the gas recombined in more stable countries. Since it is a form of combustion gas most of the material in the engine, the result is that less carbon deposits and CO2 produced in the exhaust gases.

This will immensely contribute to a greener environment. If this technology to reach more and more people can see the effect in reducing CO2 gas into the atmosphere and thus global warming.

Increasing the lifespan of the car: Fact # 3

by supplementing gasoline with water gas (browns gas), less carbon deposits will be made ​​in your car's combustion chamber. Carbon produced inside the car's engine not only reduces its effectiveness in more complete combustion of gasoline, but also accumulates speed up your engine and car wear and tear.

S Brown building supplementation of gasoline, fewer and smaller amounts of carbon will be deposited into your engine. During the period of two to three years, your car, the engine will still be good as new.

reduces the weekly gas costs: Fact # 4

One of the major advantages of using brown gas from water to run your car that you will greatly save the cost of gas. The fact that you are burning less gas for the same mileage you used to cover before installing the system means that you will use less money at the gas pumps.

People who have installed this simple device under the car hood in a saving of up to $ 200 - $ 400 each week. That means making savings on the cost of gas in excess of $ 10,000 per year. Imagine how such savings will help you improve your credit rating and be able to change their cars during the first year. It's like music to your ears when most people to come in order to reduce emissions, extend the life of their car and save on engine repair costs.

to reduce engine temperature, smoother and calmer engine and gear changing: Fact # 5

use of hydrogen and oxygen from the water in your car, the engine will automatically lead to a smoother and quieter engine. These gases are burnt efficiently reduce engine vibration and knock the effect of inefficient combustion of gasoline. Gears will move even easier.

This fact will greatly reduce the wear and tear of your car for less vibration on the mainframe. Lowering your engine temperature also has a similar effect in the sense that it keeps your engine from wear quickly.

This simple device to do it yourself will also turn you into an instant guru and your neighbors would knock on myself trying to get their secret jar system installed in their cars. Some people have even made ​​this a business opportunity to charge a small fee for the installation, or simply instruct others about how to reduce the cost of gas, especially now when the $ 4 gallon.

The good part is that it will immediately be taken fully illustrated manual on how to install sustav.Priručnik is so detailed and provides step-by-step guide on how to install the converter device is water gas, that even a cave girl can do it.

manual is available in digital files that can be downloaded via the Internet in 3 minutes flat, and print it out for easier use. You'll want to have this information before three years if you start to get crazy fuel economy of today.

How to Make Your Car Half Water Half Gas and Avoid Scam

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If you are concerned about the escalating fuel prices, it is high time to switch your car to run on water than gasoline. But, hold on to your horses! Run your car on water does not mean that your car will be the lead car, only to run on water. This means that the motor will take place partly in the water and partly on plin.Voda will break in the form of electrically HHO gas will mix with air and fuel mixture in the engine, resulting in the emission-free and efficient combustion of fuel.

With the hydrogen generator or hydrogen fuel cell car that runs the water, you will benefit in many ways, one of them is a lot of savings on your gas bill. Also you can choose to double mileage, because since the gas burned efficiently, it will be less taxing and more productive for motor.Kit water tank, which is ideal for building a water car is made ​​of materials that can be procured from the local hardware store. All you have to shell out less than $ 100 dollars for this equipment. It is also more investment than expenditure, because you're on your way to building systems that will make money for you. Money saved is money earned, right?

You can also have peace of mind that no part of your car or engine is removed while building the hydrogen generator for your automobil.Instalacijski process is quite simple and can do it yourself also checking out the information in steps of online water fuel kit which is shaped to take a guide or eBook. You can also see so many online videos that show you how easy it is to install the kit water fuel car run with water. The truth is that if everyone in the U.S. owned water car, not only will improve the economy and rising fuel prices will go down. Not to mention that the environment will be much cleaner than it is today!

Most of the time, we are skeptical about a decision that could save or improve our lives in the end. It is also one such decision that can benefit our lives in many ways. Installation kit water fuel, and then you run the car will have a different feeling all together. You'll get 70 percent better mileage than what you're getting, and the engine will be quiet and run more efficiently. Thus, tensions continue to drive your car with water!

Please go on to know more about this new concept to run car on water.

How to Make Your Car Half Water Half Gas and Avoid Scam

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If you are concerned about the escalating fuel prices, it is high time to switch your car to run on water than gasoline. But, hold on to your horses! Run your car on water does not mean that your car will be the lead car, only to run on water. This means that the motor will take place partly in the water and partly on plin.Voda will break in the form of electrically HHO gas will mix with air and fuel mixture in the engine, resulting in the emission-free and efficient combustion of fuel.

With the hydrogen generator or hydrogen fuel cell car that runs the water, you will benefit in many ways, one of them is a lot of savings on your gas bill. Also you can choose to double mileage, because since the gas burned efficiently, it will be less taxing and more productive for motor.Kit water tank, which is ideal for building a water car is made ​​of materials that can be procured from the local hardware store. All you have to shell out less than $ 100 dollars for this equipment. It is also more investment than expenditure, because you're on your way to building systems that will make money for you. Money saved is money earned, right?

You can also have peace of mind that no part of your car or engine is removed while building the hydrogen generator for your automobil.Instalacijski process is quite simple and can do it yourself also checking out the information in steps of online water fuel kit which is shaped to take a guide or eBook. You can also see so many online videos that show you how easy it is to install the kit water fuel car run with water. The truth is that if everyone in the U.S. owned water car, not only will improve the economy and rising fuel prices will go down. Not to mention that the environment will be much cleaner than it is today!

Most of the time, we are skeptical about a decision that could save or improve our lives in the end. It is also one such decision that can benefit our lives in many ways. Installation kit water fuel, and then you run the car will have a different feeling all together. You'll get 70 percent better mileage than what you're getting, and the engine will be quiet and run more efficiently. Thus, tensions continue to drive your car with water!

Please go on to know more about this new concept to run car on water.

Run Car on Water Conversion Guide - Guide to Convert and Run Your Car on Water


Run Car on Water Conversion Guide

Basically, you need to turn our car engines are supplied with water. If you think you do not need more gasoline or motor burning water as fuel, then you are wrong! The fact is, the engines will still have to work on gas, except that the mileage will now be greatly improved, and you'll save on costs of fuel each month.

Basically, you need to turn our car engines are supplied with water. If you think you do not need more gasoline or motor burning water as fuel, then you are wrong! The fact is, the engines will still have to work on gas, except that the mileage will now be greatly improved, and you'll save on costs of fuel each month.


Basically, you need to turn our car engines are supplied with water. If you think you do not need more gasoline or motor burning water as fuel, then you are wrong! The fact is, the engines will still have to work on gas, except that the mileage will now be greatly improved, and you'll save on costs of fuel each month.


carburetor will ensure that the proportions of the HHO and gasoline vapors are just right for maximum combustion. The whole process of printing with high energy efficiency, improve your mileage per gallon of gas, or MPG.

The end result is cleaner and more durable engine, better mileage, less pollution and less noise.

of parts that go into this hydrogen generator kit for car can be purchased from any local hardware store. And it costs no more than $ 100 for the construction of such a kit to run your car on water. It also requires some wiring for electricity powered by the battery in your car.

If you are looking for a complete "Run Car on Water Conversion Guide", so you can start building your water-powered car, check the resources below.

Water4Gas Scam - Is This Water Powered Car Kit a Scam?

Water4Gas Scam claims you can double your gas mileage burning water. More products are released in short supply at tržištu.Istina very few rise above the millions of scams used by people sensitive to excessively high oil prices, which are rich.

So, what is the scoop on the Water4Gas Scam?

How does it work, what it is, and what you get? Let's start what is not. It will allow you to use any water or gas. And it's not that hard. (This does not include a dozen plans to 100% water powered car plans, but the average tinkerer will not be able to build. The other main problem is it is only guidance, and do not forget to install the kit. take the biggest problem is it takes some mechanical ability to build. (NOTE:. ALL assembly required) .. it should be taken that night to invent Fortunately, it is only required basic tools, with the exception of maybe a soldering iron

Now, what do you get? A lot of promises, such as huge savings in fuel consumption, engine life, less pollution, more power and less wear of pistons. (Read on to see whether they are true.) I'm sick of prevare.Water4Gas scam did not look good. It includes a few books (which you must read on your computer or print, the second drop.) An instruction to five different devices you can do to save benzina.Drugi only compliment the main uređaj.Druga book contains very little information to supplement the instruction book. They include a report that shows you how to get the government to pay for your changes to your vehicle. They throw in two books with different energy secrets and lost free energy inventions, a dozen plans to 100% water powered cars.

In addition to the main educational books, the primary thing that you get a call on the open market (it only when you buy a book .. sori). The free market is a pre-assembled kits you can buy if you do not want to build your own, at a big discount. You can chat with other people around the world who have already bought and installed the device. Again, you have to buy the book first, to participate.

In addition to the main educational books, the primary thing that you get a call on the open market (it only when you buy a book .. sori). The free market is a pre-assembled kits you can buy if you do not want to build your own, at a big discount. You can chat with other people around the world who have already bought and installed the device. Again, you have to buy the book first, to participate.


So, what do you do? In short, it uses the battery for removal of hydrogen from water. It combines hydrogen with your gas in your engine, burning gas more efficiently, thus saving money.

I am not as motivated as some people that I found. So, I double my mileage, I only increased just over 50%. 21 mpg to 33 mpg in my car. It's not bad. Is this a scam? Number of over 15,000 people have purchased eBook in over 50 countries. I wonder why is not this headline news everywhere?

Thus, the Water4Gas scam. You have no choice. One simply ignore this information, and continue to pay more than necessary for fuel (do not worry OPEC will be fair), or two to take. You do not have to be a politician to make a difference. You can help shape the future, one car at a time.

How to Build a Water Power Car - Run Your Car with Water Review

Do you want to learn how you can change your own car to run with water? This technology is becoming more and more popular every day, and also called "HHO gas based car system." This system provides the power your car with a combination of water and gasoline. This article will explain how this system works and how you can build your own home.

1 How Water Fuel Technology Work?

First of all, your car will not use water as fuel, because it's impossible. It is necessary to first extract HHO gas from water, which requires an electrical current that passed through it (this process is known as electrolysis ).

This gas can then be burned to provide energy for your engine to power it gore.Električne energy needed for electrolysis gives your car battery.

2 What are the advantages of a water power car?

By running your car with water instead of gasoline, you are preserving the environment, because water burns more cleanly. It also becomes IRS tax deduction. Due to rapidly rising fuel costs and reduce the supply of fuel, water has become a great alternative. Drivers can become less dependent on gasoline, and continue to drive their cars at affordable prices.

Most people would recognize that alternative fuel sources should be explored seriously. Even the government began to reward environmentally clean cars, fuels and upgrades. This water fuel technology is great for companies that can have a whole fleet of trucks and cars, and can actually lead to huge savings.

3 How can you have your own car power lead?

Most people tend to believe that they will have to buy a new hybrid car if you want to use the water to run their cars, but it's wrong. I managed to build a water car system in my house, and it does not cost more than $ 200. Try this amazing technology to experience the benefits of water starts the car.

Selasa, 22 November 2011

BMW Chrome Accessories - The Truth

Similar to M badge, there are many myths surrounding chrome accessories for BMW. Probably the most common myth is that the product is described as chromium is made of metal.

chrome accessories can be divided into four main categories:

* Chrome metal

* Chrome on plastic

* Metal

* Painted plastic

Chrome metal is what the majority believes that Chrome. This is where the metal substrate or base is plated with chrome. However, a number of chrome accessories do not fall into this group.

Today, many of the original BMW items are chrome plating on ABS plastic base. Quality plastic finish is critical to achieving a good finish and chrome BMW excels at this.

like the BMW 3 Series E36 chrome window switch surrounds, chrome BMW SRS badge, BMW chrome door lock pins and BMW chrome equipment switches to name a few are all based on the ABS plastic surface with a nearly perfect mirror finish. As would be expected from chrome, they are also scratch resistant, hard wearing and will last for years. Using Chrome on ABS probably allows BMW to keep the price of their products lower chrome.

like the BMW 3 Series E36 chrome window switch surrounds, chrome BMW SRS badge, BMW chrome door lock pins and BMW chrome equipment switches to name a few are all based on the ABS plastic surface with a nearly perfect mirror finish. As would be expected from chrome, they are also scratch resistant, hard wearing and will last for years. Using Chrome on ABS probably allows BMW to keep the price of their products lower chrome.


like the BMW 3 Series E36 chrome window switch surrounds, chrome BMW SRS badge, BMW chrome door lock pins and BMW chrome equipment switches to name a few are all based on the ABS plastic surface with a nearly perfect mirror finish. As would be expected from chrome, they are also scratch resistant, hard wearing and will last for years. Using Chrome on ABS probably allows BMW to keep the price of their products lower chrome.


technique based on the chrome plastic products never seem to be able to replicate the original BMW quality products from the same tipa.Završiti many of them can be described as average, while some are not suitable for sale, in my opinion. It is these products that have given Chrome to plastic concept of a bad reputation.


These are metals that are bright and shiny look of chrome, but are made of stainless steel, polished steel, polished aluminum or nickel to name a few. These products are generally described as "chrome-style and do the job very well. BMW even use a nickel for a range of key rings.

Finally, there are things that are painted with a chrome or silver paint. In my experience, these are best avoided, because I have not seen any of them to finish anywhere near the quality that is needed.

BMW Angel Eyes - Amazing Light for Magnificent Cars

In 2001, Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW) introduced a new beacon, along with their introduction of the E39 5 series then. New headlamps known as the angel of light eyes. When first introduced, the new model was also released and redesigned tail lights for BMW 5 Series This is one of the most significant inventions in the automotive industry. They are known as the corona rings placed on the head light BMW 2007 serije.Oblik headlights look more like the human eye, and added the word "Angel" to name a more dramatic and interesting.

concept in the production of BMW's Angel Eyes is a revolutionary, but this type of lighting systems for cars continues to be a good choice so far. It was introduced in 2001, but became a huge hit in 2004.

Angel Eye lights not only to customize the overall look of your vehicle. It is also made ​​to provide security for you and your vehicle. It is also a good choice for you if you want to save more money. This is known as one of the most cost effective way to customize your car. One of the most popular models of the headlight is a 60-degree wide-angle design xenon 7000K white high Angel Eyes BMW H8 LED Ring Marker Bulbs.

Usually, the lights are only used at night, although some people still use them during the day time. One of the problems people on this headlight is that they are not clearly visible during the day time. This is probably because the light produced this type of headlight is almost as natural light. It is also the reason why it shines incredible at night.

In addition, this new model can help remove the dull yellow look to the light and convert it into Xenon HID white color matching is the same with the new 2011 BMW 5 Series and 2011 BMW 3 Series E92.

In addition, this new model can help remove the dull yellow look to the light and convert it into Xenon HID white color matching is the same with the new 2011 BMW 5 Series and 2011 BMW 3 Series E92.


BMW ConnectedDrive System

BMW ConnectedDrive system helps drivers keep in touch with the outside world during either long or short drive leads through the city and enhance the overall driving experience. With its advanced capabilities in the comfort, safety and infotainment system ConnectedDrive makes driving easier than before.


teleservice is on board service and maintenance. Wash fluid status and parts, such as motor oil and brake pads, and then transfer the vehicle data local BMW center directly before requiring usluge.BMW center will then contact the owner to schedule a meeting. In addition, if any part necessary, BMW dealer will pre-order the parts to the service that much easier. Unlocking, helping drivers to be excluded from their BMW vehicles. If the driver is locked out, he / she only needs to call the BMW Assist Response Center, and they can remotely unlock the driver's door.






ConnectedDrive system can also act as a mobile office with the ability to read test messages aloud through text-to-speech functionality and hands-free calls. The system is also equipped with HD and satellite radio, Bluetooth audio streaming for iPod / iPhone integration for all the fun during the ride. In addition, drivers can use text to speech function, which will be read aloud at the top of the U.S., world, business, sports and entertainment news. The system also has the ability to access the weather forecasts for the local area and elsewhere in the United States.


BMW ConnectedDrive is a purpose-built to make driving easier than before, offering convenience, security and information.

BMW OEM Parts Online - Check Out the Terms

while considering improvements or enhancements to the BMW car, there is a high probability that you'll have to browse the World Wide Web, so you can try to find one of the best deals relating to BMW accessories and BMW parts. When thinking about buying a BMW replacement parts or upgrade equipment, searching the Internet is a fantastic choice, as it will save you much time and money as well.

There are a large number of product and company names to choose from in the OEM and aftermarket parts and aftermarket dijelova.OEM niche is making use of specific terminology, such as OES, ã OEM, genuine, aftermarket and, therefore, much May people get confused with that of individual expression. For this reason, you have to make sure that you have a proper understanding of these relative terms, which will allow you to create the exact solution, while considering the purchase of various accessories and parts relating to your BMW vehicle.

Tech BMW Auto Parts: cooperation company affiliated with primary auto manufacturer does not produce any such parts. On the other hand, aftermarket auto parts is not related to the primary producer of cars, they actually produce such parts or accessories that fit and perform well, such as OEM, due to the fact that they are produced with similar equipment and materials.

Genuine BMW Parts: This term means that all the BMW vehicle parts in the end are real and genuine BMW car packaging products. These are parts that are considered to be real and genuine, if the BMW stamp on them, or simply if they are boxed into a valid BMW package. You must take into account the extent that all these parts are actually co-operation with the vehicle manufacturer of a product, not actually the BMW company. Original equipment manufacturer or OEM is basically a company that is useful in the manufacture of individual parts for BMW.

OEM BMW Auto Parts: The original and the original equipment manufacturer BMW parts are basically two names for the same has stvar.Tvrtka their own product, the packaging department instead of taking it to BMW for packaging and that it falls under the name of the BMW brand.

Original Equipment Supplier (OES) or Original Equipment Equipment (ã) BMW Parts: It is possible that one company produces original parts for other vehicle manufacturers,. However, if none of them ever produced parts or accessories for BMW cars, they will not be considered part of the OEM BMW or BMW Original Part

Now that you have a better understanding of these concepts, you can easily look for BMW OEM parts online, you can use this information, which will allow you to make correct choice for your car. There are a large number of merchants with whom you will be able to find BMW OEM parts at affordable prices.

A Brief Word About BMW Diesel Engines

The term diesel engines applicable to any internal combustion engine, which uses the heat of compression to start the ignition cylinder burn fuel that is injected into the combustion chamber. This differs from spark ignition engines, such as gasoline engines that rely on a spark ignition fuel-air mixture. motors have the highest thermal efficiency of any external or internal combustion engines with regard to the very high compression ratios needed to ignite the fuel. All diesel engines are modeled on the thermodynamic cycle diesel that was developed by Rudolf Diesel in 1897.

As the motor is a complex process to describe. Initially, air is allowed only in the combustion chamber, this air is then compressed by the ratio of approximately 15:01 to 22:01 resulted in temperatures in the cylinder, increasing to about 550C, and 1022f. At the top of the compression stroke, fuel is injected into the compressed air into the chamber from the compression izgaranje.Topline fuel evaporates causing izgaranja.Brzo expanding combustion gases drives the piston down electrical power to the crankshaft, which then drives the different cylinder piston upward to complete the process over and repeatedly and continuously run the engine.

BMW first started using the engine in its vehicles in 1983 with the introduction of the 2.4 liter straight six-cylinder M21. This first version was never available in the UK and was mainly sold in North America in the Lincoln Continental.

1994 saw the introduction of a new engine that offers BMW, this engine is an M41 1.7 liter straight fourth This engine is available in the 1994-2000 318tds E36 BMW.

1998 saw the addition of three different engines from BMW, the 2.0 liter M47, which is a straight 4, then the M57, which ranged from 2.5 liters to 3.0 liters and was a straight six, and finally there was that M67 was a 3.9-liter V8 konfiguracije.M67 won two international engine of the Year award.

2006 saw the introduction of the N47 which was the 2.0-liter straight fourth This latest version is known as the common rail engine and had a big improvement in emissions and fuel consumption.

In 2008, BMW introduced the N57 engine, the 2.5-liter to 3.0 liter straight-six engine. These engines are the common-rail turbo engine.

of these engines are still some in production today, such as the N57, M57 and N47. BMW have adapted their line of diesel engines to be as environmentally friendly, or even more than some other manufacturers offer diesel.

Converting BMW Angel Eyes From Halogen to LED

is the installation of lights BMW Angel Eye to some models for over 10 years. They are simply light ring around the outside lights that can be activated independently of the headlight itself. They replace the more conventional side of the lamp. Angel Eyes is sometimes known as the Corona Rings too.

Until recently, BMW Angel Eye light rings are illuminated using a normal halogen bulb headlights. Each pair of rings requires a lamp because the light is transmitted along the channel using the optical fiber type principle. So, a couple of lamp illuminates all four angels eyes.

In recent years, BMW has moved with the times and replace halogen lights angel eyes, brilliant bright white LED light source. These new LED angel eyes look a lot better than the old yellowish halogen glow illuminated rings. They are especially popular because they are a much better match for the xenon headlights. Previously, owners of BMW with Xenon lights put up with a little out of place in search of yellow angel eyes, very white xenon headlights. Now that the BMW angel eyes, LED lights, rings corresponding to xenon lights and a complete package.

No earlier BMW began production of LED angel eyes of BMW owners with halogen-lit ring began to ask how they could turn to achieve a new bright, white LED light. It was not long before the aftermarket LEDs are the products that replace the original halogen bulbs to achieve a white LED angel eyes that many so desired. These LEDs are often referred to as LED markers and are available in different colors, including white, red, blue and green.

While most of these new LED markers require no more effort than changing to fit the original halogen bulb itself, some slight modifications required, such as those for the pre facelift E90 models with halogen headlights. Good guides can be found on You Tube that these markers can be set.

However, one question that I often wondered why BMW Angel Eyes LED equipment markers are not as bright as those equipped with the latest BMW modele.Odgovor on it is simply that the design of aftermarket LED markers is compromised to allow them to fit in a light that never were meant for them. Looking at this in more depth, it has to do with the ability of LEDs dissipate heat generated. It is a myth that the LEDs do not generate heat because they činiti.Omjer light emitting heat generated by the LED is high, which means that the LED produces far more light than heat. However, the heat must still be taken away from the LED or drastically shorten their life as well as any other electronic components in the same round. The usual way of dissipating heat as it is to connect the LED device is called a heat sink. This is a piece of metal with a large surface area open to zrak.Veće, efficient cooling. It is said that for every 1 W LED lights, there should be about 9 inches in surface cooling. By now, you should be starting to see the problem. Equipment LED markers must be fitted in very cramped spaces that are designed for halogen bulbs. It is very difficult to include refrigerator large enough to dissipate heat, so a compromise optimizes power LED, thus producing a darker light than those equipped with the new BMW models. It is true that some manufacturers of aftermarket products with high powered equipment LED markers, but they often only last for a relatively short period of time before they succeed.

I also often wondered about the color temperature of LED markers. Color temperature is a measurement gives the color of light. It is measured in degrees Kelvin K). Halogen lights have a relatively low color temperature, it is possible under 4000K, and are yellow or warm white. As the color temperature increases, the emitted light becomes whiter and the end, it will begin to include shades of blue at higher temperatures. Daylight is approximately 5500K - 6500 K. LED markers that we sell around 7200K. At this temperature the color, the light is mostly white with slight shades of blue. For color temperatures higher than this, more blue light there is, in my opinion, it diminishes what we are trying to achieve in terms of brilliant white angel eyes.

The combination of low power LED light with a color temperature similar to daylight often makes the BMW Angel Eyes LED marker appears seamless when used during the day. However, after the summer begins to fade, they become much more visible and will make your BMW look-a modern, elegant and far more dynamic than the old ones with the yellow halogen bulbs.

Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Mercedes Bluetooth Telephony Solution with BlackBerry Integration

Because of the increased demand for Mercedes-Benz Accessories GmbH is expanding its range of communication accessories and this time it will include Bluetooth telephony solution. The new Mercedes-Benz Bluetooth ® (HFP) telephone module allows its user to use the BlackBerry ® in a Mercedes-Benz passenger cars without having to physically connect the device to the vehicle. This modular solution is specially designed for in-car telecommunication and is suitable for a selected range of mobile phones that support Bluetooth ® Hands Free Profile. This new telephone module with HFP software is compatible with factory installed solutions that are currently offered in every Mercedes model series.

What you can do with Bluetooth ® Hands Free Profile? Almost everything you want as to send and receive e-mail, make phone calls, check pictures and presentations. This is the perfect buddy for executives who want to carry with them their office in the BlackBerry handheld.

for the first time Mercedes accessories in the form of a new Bluetooth (HFP) telephone module allows BlackBerry 8700g, 8700v and 8707v models to be connected wirelessly Mercedes-Benz passenger cars.

new Mercedes Accessories GmbH further enhances safety and convenience of using car phones. But the biggest benefit is the portability of handheld or mobile phone which can be conveniently done around or in your handbag or jacket pocket. There is also no problem with the Bluetooth connection between the vehicles and equipment, as it is done automatically. Operating telephone module is also very easy, since it has a button that is used to activate the pairing process.

After the pairing process commence connection will be automatski.Integracija on board and provides safe and spontaneous control of phone functions through the multifunction steering wheel, the central instrument and the audio system display.

Bluetooth (HFP) telephone module is also compatible with Nokia 6131, Motorola PEBL U6, Nokia 6111, Sony Ericsson K610i, Nokia N70, BenQ-Siemens EF81, and Sony Ericsson W550i mobile phone. It also acts as an extension of Preparation for mobile phone with universal interface --- a feature that is currently in the most recent Mercedes-Benz models.

module is very easy to use is only necessary to insert the pre-installation located in the center armrest. And this month, Mercedes-Benz will offer its Mercedes-Benz Bluetooth (HFP) telephone module unconventionally designed closed box format, and will be priced at EUR250 which include VAT.

Dating a Guy Who Drives a Mercedes Benz

Today we want to share the findings from our latest survey. The aim was to determine what kind of people drive Mercedes Benz. We randomly selected and you issue 200 Mercedes' male owners across the country from which 112 responded to our questionnaire. Keep in mind that we knew nothing about the participants age, place of residence, social status, age or exact model Mercedes-Benz are driving. The only selection criteria were having a Mercedes Benz and be one. One of the questions the study was to confirm that the man currently owns Mercedes. Below are the questions we asked and the answers we received.

1 Would you rather go for a day and spend $ 300.00 for a fancy dinner or buy new rims for $ 1000.00 for a Mercedes?) Go on a date and spend $ 300.00 54% b) buy a new wheel for $ 1,000.00 46%

2 What will you do if you first expiration date of coffee inside your Mercedes?) Tell her not to worry about it and clean up the spill. 36% b) ask her nicely to be more careful next time and clean the spill. 27% c) getting a little marked off and tell her to clean the spill. 19% d) very excited and ask to get out of the car. 18%

3 Two important events happened yesterday - it went on the first date and she is hot and you bought a new Mercedes-Benz CLK. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?) Brand new Mercedes-Benz 78% b) Hot date 22%

4 You park your shiny silver Mercedes Benz CLK 55AMG with your sweet date to step pločnik.Tip passes makes comments, "she's hot." What do you do?) You smile, say "Thank You", and then the roof Mercedes. 64% b) You smile, say "Thank You" and hug your date. 36%

5 You can spend the night with your friends at your place with your Mercedes Benz parked in your driveway. In the morning you can see a big scratch on the side of your car. What is your reaction?) Pretend you did not notice anything and say anything to her. 31% b) You ask your girlfriend if she has any idea about who would do such a horrible thing. 37% c) The beginning of a panic, running around and ask her to 911 calls 15% d) You notice at first, nothing should be said, jump in the car and go. You never returned her calls after that. 17%

As you can see from the results of the survey had some interesting and intriguing answers. In these situations awkward with coffee spills or scratches most guys still think about their first date. However, the answers to questions about thinking about the Mercedes vs. hot date or "she's hot" comment was kind of unexpected. It is obvious that the boys themselves are more impressed by their hot Mercedes driving than girls. But at least the girls to beat when it comes to spending $ 300.00 for dinner vs. $ 1,000.00 for the rims. In summary we can say that in general men's Mercedes owners are gentlemen who, when they hear the word "hot" think about their Mercedes-Benz.

Jumat, 18 November 2011

2012 Mercedes Benz E63 AMG Revealed

With all the talk recently about the latest BMW M5 F10 model comes out later this year, there has been little attention to the fact that Mercedes-Benz is also launching a new E63 AMG model in production. As the F10 model, the E63 will squeeze all 518 horses through a small, twin-turbo 5.5-liter V8. This is a significant step down (in terms of engine size) from the 6.2-liter V8 that is used to produce 518 horsepower and 465 ft-lb of torque, which is certainly an improvement in energy efficiency due to the increase in torque for the new 5.5-liter V8, while no loss in horsepower.

It seems that the latest CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards that are the highest performance car makers stepping away from a naturally aspirated 8, 10 and 12 engines, and most manufacturers are sticking with 8 engines are now looking the turbo-charged for izvedbu.Novi BMW M5 F10 has a much smaller 4.4-liter twin turbo V8 that pumps out 560 horsepower and 502 ft-lb of torque, getting an elegant sedan 0-60 mph in 4.4 sekunde.E63 AMG will also be up to 60 miles per hour in 4.4 seconds, it's all fun and dandy until the whip from the AMG performance Pack.

You see, unlike the new M5, AMG offers a "Performance Pack", which will boost (no pun intended) output to 550 horsepower and 590 pounds-ft of torque, the torque a significant advantage over the new M5 , especially considering that the performance of the package will push the E63 up to 60 miles per hour in 3.8 seconds, about half a second faster than the M5.

Of course, you can still expect to have a luxurious interior, with a 14-speaker Harman Kardon surround sound, 14-way power adjustable seats, or HD 7-inch screen, but what's the point if buying AMG? the only thing you'll probably notice is the seat of squeezing your butt cheeks as you drive past F10 M5 motorway waving a friendly gesture to indicate that there is absolutely no rivalry between the two types of manufacturers.

, but you will be able to afford to fly-by? The new M5 will have an estimated MSRP of $ 93,000, while the E63 is estimated to go for around $ 87,000 which seems pretty close, but there is no point in getting E63 AMG apart from upgrading the power with Performance Pack which will cost you a Kia Rio at the top of the MSRP, or an additional $ 12,900.

, but you will be able to afford to fly-by? The new M5 will have an estimated MSRP of $ 93,000, while the E63 is estimated to go for around $ 87,000 which seems pretty close, but there is no point in getting E63 AMG apart from upgrading the power with Performance Pack which will cost you a Kia Rio at the top of the MSRP, or an additional $ 12,900.


Mercedes Sprinter RVs: Build a Truly Independent Sprinter Camper Van Powered by Diesel and Solar

What is it you enjoy about having an RV or camper van? For me, it's camping experience, as in the woods or the mountains somewhere, preferably in a quiet place near the lake or stream - no camping or RV park. Of course, there is a spectrum of what might be called the camp, with ultralight backpacking on one side, 60 ', diesel pushers with slide-out at the other end, and somewhere in the middle of our 19' camper van with two small children. I still want go camping, but backpacking is not an option right now

When I was a backpacker, I'm pretty minimal instruments, and with his Mercedes Sprinter camper van, the same applies. I do not plan to finish anywhere with full hook-up, so my preferred equipment is what makes it more independent. This is not typical of most North American RVs - walk on board and you will see the typical triad of propane-powered devices:

  • 3-way (propane / AC / DC) refrigerator
  • 2-burner propane cooking plates
  • propane furnace

Often RVs will have a microwave oven and coffee too, just to be complete with every convenience. How "convenient" that the necessary plug-ins or generators running to power all this?

Saving energy (and money!) Is especially important if you are building your own do-it-yourself camper conversion van or RV. If one of your main goals is to keep costs down, you can do this by eliminating the expensive equipment and devices typical of conventional RVs. How can we do?

to select the best Camper Van Platform In the past five years, more and more motorhomes and RV conversions are built on the Mercedes Sprinter chassis. In 2011, for example, the Mercedes Sprinter 3.0-liter turbodiesel V6 is rated at 188 hp, with maximum power of 325-m £. of torque. Compared to other gasoline engine van, the Sprinter can offer more usable power and better fuel efficiency, typically getting 18-22 mpg in actual use. And now that ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel is widely available throughout North America, it's pretty easy to get fuel from almost anywhere.

S Sprinter as their base for a camper van, can Buck quo RV state - using propane. For decades, North American motorhomes - from small camper van for A, B, and C-Class RV conversion - have used propane fuel camping equipment. There are good reasons why:

  • Propane is cheap and available everywhere
  • There are many choices in RV propane-powered appliances, and they are generally very reliable

Today, the price of propane has increased. Besides the increased cost of using propane in Sprinter RV is not without its drawbacks:

  • This requires a propane tank, usually mounted below the RV chassis, reducing ground clearance and adds a tremendous amount of weight
  • open flame (from propane stoves, for example) can burn inattentive and produces condensation on windows RV in cold weather
  • This is another source of fuel to operate, except for fuel used RV

Not without Propane There is a new choice for RVs, especially if you have a Mercedes Sprinter - no propane at all. Until recently, there was no RV appliances available in North America powered by diesel - but this has now changed. If we go back to the "triad" of equipment, we talked about earlier, the selection looks like this:

  • hotplates - Webasto, RV arm of the Finnish company's marine Wallas, now accounts for 12-V with a diesel engine, ceramic hob-topped specifically for RV koristiti.Dva X100 burner hotplates, no open flame, using the same diesel Sprinter from the tank, and even includes a high setting.
  • Heat - For internal heat, you can choose between Webasto's AirTop or ESPAR the AIRTIES 12V diesel-powered air heaters, much more compact than many propane stoves and perhaps more quietly, especially with the scarf option. Heaters will also never corrode, unlike Hydronic heaters.
  • Cooling -. Many 12V DC RV refrigerators on the market that uses highly efficient Danfoss compressor is sealed, including models by Engel and Novakool, among others

, but as we get no connection to the mains voltage? Well, let's say, if we cut propane, more power, especially for cooling. You're right, but if you follow the design of conservation strategies, can greatly reduce power use in your Sprinter camper. This means tactics such as:

  • Power System - Plan for 12V DC system for Sprinter RV Conversion. Does not include hard-wired inverter will save you a lot of money, and if you really need to clean AC power for small loads (like charging a laptop), you can buy small converters that plug into any 12V outlet
  • Lights - Use LED rather than incandescent, and the lowest power types that meet your lighting needs. However, check the lumen output and spectrum (select the "warm" or "daylight") to ensure you get the LED lights that work well in your van.
  • Microwave - to Ditch, and the same size for the home electrical appliance maker. Are you really that short on time when you're camping? Microwaves use enormous amounts of energy, so they are great for homes, not a camper van.
  • Solar - No, not conservation, but you are an energy source - one that is quiet and reliable. Get some solar panels, preferably 2-4 mounted on the roof of the Sprinter, and the corresponding solar charge controller and a good AGM battery. Having a good solar system, not just a trickle charger, is essential if you want to do without propane, hook-ups or generators. There are a number of good RV solar system, but only these few words, but it is material for another article.

I hope you will think about building a do-it-yourself Mercedes Sprinter camper van or RV conversion, and the arguments I have presented only with the diesel engine and solar appliances, no propane or generator. This will save you money and give you the independence camp anywhere in the Sprinter - you do not like the


Why Buying a Used Mercedes Car is a Great Investment

Mercedes-Benz is a German manufacturer of luxury cars for sale. As an established name in the luxury car industry, it is possible to buy one of their masterpieces as a form of investment you can enjoy now and in the future. Unlike other vehicles, do not lose value as bad as other cars make and model of other manufacturers. While the cost of getting a brand new Mercedes-Benz can be very high, there is no reason why you should not settle for a used Mercedes Benz that will give you the same kind of status symbol of a brand new Mercedes will give you.

Here are just some of the reasons why investing in a used Mercedes Benz is a great idea.

market value

market value of the Mercedes was very impressive and you can expect that it will retain its value, especially if you bought a used car. They are also likely to be turned into a classic car and this is one reason why getting a great investment.

status symbol

Mercedes-Benz has been associated with status symbols and prestige, and possession of a clearly states his station in life, loud and clear. Owning a Mercedes Benz with its high maintenance costs gave its owner a certain prestige and glamor that is exclusively for owners of luxury cars. Mercedes Benz is a car powered by a celebrity, then the most successful and wealthy people around him and those who are lucky enough to own one clearly belongs to this group of successful individuals.


ride is quite comfortable for the driver and the passengers themselves, if you were driving in a Mercedes Benz would never feel the same way, driving in another car. There is a certain degree of comfort in a Mercedes car that is simply irreplaceable, and you need to experience it for yourself I wish you exactly what you think.


Mercedes is the sheer work of art and beauty and embodies the latest technological and engineering achievement. If you want cars that look good and gives you high performance you're after, nothing beats the Mercedes Benz. Each model is a real beauty and embodies the finest masterpieces that any owner proud to own it.


They are very durable and you can expect the car to last a very long time and is often used as a car or a classic masterpiece that continues to increase in value with each passing year.


They are very safe and it is one of the biggest reasons many people choose to invest in these beauties. It is made ​​of very strong material that can withstand the impact and still preserve the fragile lives riding in one car.

historical value

Mercedes will always be a part of history and owning one of their own serves as a sweet and reminiscent of the old days where the car graced the life of the most powerful and influential people around.

Mercedes Benz Alternator Parts Replacement

MERCEDES BENZ alternators

Bosch alternator and regulator with internal regulators
By Bosch alternators are conventional 3-phase, self-correcting type of aggregate.

Bosch 75 through 55-amp alternators use3 positive and three negative diodes connected to stator windings to correct the failure, Bosch 90, and 80-amp alternators use 14 diodes.

All alternators use 3 exciter diodes connected to stator windings, while the engine is running the diodes turn off the light alternator indicator and power supply voltage regulator, Bosch regulator transistors, solid state physics and integral with the alternator.

Alternator CLAIM
Model V / Amps

(1) The manufacturer's part number

190E 14/70 489 928
190D 14/70 489 897

190D 14/70 489 897

190D 14/70 489 897


All Others 14/70 N / A...

2 Turn on the ignition and check the alternator light comes, if the light comes on, check wiring between the alternator warning lights including light bulbs.

1 Provide connections to the battery, alternator, and starter are clean and tight, ensuring the engine alternator and the body is properly grounded, make sure the alternator belt is tight and in good condition.

1 Provide connections to the battery, alternator, and starter are clean and tight, ensuring the engine alternator and the body is properly grounded, make sure the alternator belt is tight and in good condition.


2 Connect the ammeter following the manufacturer's instructions, connect the voltmeter leads to battery terminals.


4 Alternator output should be equal to the alternator rated output, minus 16-20 amps, if the reading is 16-20 amps below alternator rating, replace regulator and retest, if the output is still too low, repair or replace the alternator.

REGULATOR control voltage test

1 Connect the ammeter following the manufacturer's instructions, connect the voltmeter leads to battery terminals, start the engine at 3000 rpm

2 Run the engine until it stops the growth of current, voltage should be 13.5 to 14.5 V, if the reading is wrong, remove the regulator and ensure brushes are more than 6 mm.

3 If the brushes are fine and the regulator does not keep voltage within specified limits, replace regulator and retest, if the voltage is still incorrect, repair or replace the alternator.

Decomposition of

1 Remove the nut, lock washer, and pulley, remember the position of the gap, and then remove the fan assembly and keys, the writer marks on front and back cover, remove the voltage regulator and remove the screws, separate front and back cover.

2 Disconnect the capacitor from the terminal. Remove the nuts, bushings, bolts and washers

2 Disconnect the capacitor from the terminal. Remove the nuts, bushings, bolts and washers

Third Unsolder the stator from diode Assembly. Remove washer carries a wave or a ring on the back of the case

3 Support front housing and gently press out rotor, the rotor does not allow to fall, remove the screws securing the bearing retainer, remove the bearing retainer front and rear direction of the seal removed from the slip ring at the end of the rotor.

3 Support front housing and gently press out rotor, the rotor does not allow to fall, remove the screws securing the bearing retainer, remove the bearing retainer front and rear direction of the seal removed from the slip ring at the end of the rotor.

diode Assembly
First Place ohmmeter scale on the X100 scale connect ohmmeter leads across a "B +" terminal and 3 stator terminals one at a time, reverse the leads, ohmmeter should show continuity in one direction only.

2 Again ohmmeter leads across negative and 3 stator terminals one by one.

Reverse the water,. Ohmmeter should show continuity in one direction only

3 Connect the ohmmeter leads across the "D +" terminal and 3 stator terminals one by one.

Reverse deals, ohmmeter should show continuity in one direction only, if the diode to be defective, replace the diode assembly.

image. 3:. Diode Assembly diode test circuit 55 amp alternator is shown, others similar to

1 Place the lowest ohmmeter, connect the ohmmeter across the stator leads, the resistance between the leads should be 14 15 ohms for a 55-amp alternator and 10 ohm 0.09 for 65-90 amp alternator, if the resistance is incorrect, the stator has an open or short between the windings and must be replaced.

2 Place ohmmeter scale on x 1000. Connect ohmmeter between stator core and stator water, no continuity should exist, if there is continuity, the stator is grounded and must be replaced.

1 Place the lowest ohmmeter, connect the ohmmeter across the slip rings, resistance should be 3 ohms from 4 to 3.75 for 55 amp alternator and 2.8 3.1 ohms for a 65-90 amp alternator.

2 If the resistance is too low, the rotor is short-circuit and must be replaced if the resistance is infinite there is no continuity, the rotor has an electrical circuit and must be replaced.
Third Place ohmmeter on x1000 scale, re-ohmmeter between either slip ring and rotor cores, no continuity should exist, if there is continuity, the rotor is grounded and must be replaced.

4 Clean the slip rings using very fine sandpaper, rings that are worn or pitted should be included lathes, the minimum ring diameter is 1 1 / 16 "26.8 mm if the slip rings are beyond repair, replace, slip rings as indicated in steps 5 and 6

4 Clean the slip rings using very fine sandpaper, rings that are worn or pitted should be included lathes, the minimum ring diameter is 1 1 / 16 "26.8 mm if the slip rings are beyond repair, replace, slip rings as indicated in steps 5 and 6 ...

6 Insert the ends of the windings in the rotor slip rings and press the new slip ring on the rotor, slip ring at the end must be 9 / 64 "3.5 mm from the end of the collar, soldering the rotor windings slip ring terminals, turn the rings on a lathe and retest rotor, the maximum slip ring run out of the 0012 ', 0.03 mm.

Always replace the bearings, if you change the front bearing sealed on one side, open side must face the rotor, if the replacement of the rear bearing is sealed on one side, open side must face the rotor.

Ensure brushes are longer than 6 m.m. Replace if necessary, unsolder the brush of a voltage regulator, solder the new brushes, and do not allow the solder to run into the water or brushes.

Brush must be free to fall into the holder with a normal spring tension of 10-14.

First Install the bearing retainer, and screws in front of the housing, press the rotor housing.

releases affect the slip ring end of rotor, stator solder diode assembly, be careful when soldering near the diode, due to possible heat damage.

2 Install bushings in the stator assembly, assemble the stator assembly and the back cover, install the wave washer or O ring in the rear housing, align the scribe marks and mounted front and rear housings.

3 Install the key, the fan assembly, and spacers, install the pulley, lock washer and nut, tighten the nut to 23-29 ft 3-4 Nm. Ensure the rotor spins freely, and install the voltage regulator and capacitor.

Mercedes 126 Repair - Mixture Control

achieve the proper fuel mix is vital to the effectiveness and efficiency of its 126th Mercedes This article looks at the mixture of control procedures for the early V-8 engine with K-Jetronic fuel injection. Many other European cars of that era followed basically the same way.

for cars with lambda control, it is not possible to set the basic fuel mixture properly, without a properly functioning oxygen sensor. Please see the companion article Mercedes 126 Repair: Finding Vacuum Leaks for more information about this topic. As with the vacuum leak detection procedure, we have our car oxygen sensor is thoroughly warmed up before placing the base mixture. Of course, any vacuum leaks should be eliminated before the mixture can be set.

A little theory

generated by the oxygen sensor voltage is interpreted lambda control unit, which corresponds to the voltage sent to your lambda valve (frequency) of the fuel distributor (FD). Frequency valve is essentially a pulse-style fuel injector - the only such device in the car with continuous injection. This is a controlled "bleed-off" of fuel back into the fuel tank gorivo.Količinu Bled off valve affect the pressure drop across the valve differential pressure within the FD. More fuel from Bled to increase the pressure drop within the FD and increases the flow of fuel to the injectors, richening mixture, the less fuel than Bled reduces pressure drop and leans out the mixture. Fuel is Bled since the frequency of the valve is open, and it occurs when the voltage is nula.Ventil valve is closed when the battery is naponom.Napona of the lambda controller pulses fast and can be fully seen on an oscilloscope. (. This is known as the duty cycle) Fortunately, however, we do not need to see what the frequency range of the valve - and thus, lambda controller -. Make

Soft Practice

diagnostic socket inside the left fender allows us to observe the lambda control in action. When we know the controller is trying to do, we know whether our base mixture too rich or too thin and can be adjusted accordingly. To be specific, voltage pins 2 and 3 diagnostic socket shows the total voltage frequency ventil.Niži voltage can be seen on our voltmeter, more lambda controller tries Richen mixture, ie, to compensate lean condition. The higher the voltage, the more it tries to lean the mixture out.

So what should be the voltage at the diagnostic connector, if the mixture is perfect? There will always be some fluctuation, when the oxygen sensor is hot, the car is in a "closed loop" control, that is constantly responding to motor behavior. But they will be fluctuations in a narrow range around 12.2 to 12.3 volts. (. The exact center point can be found by observing the voltage at the socket when the oxygen termination) exceed the voltage "trip" the 11-volt range indicates a lean condition, the 13-volt range bespeaks a rich condition.

Our response to that intelligence is a very fine mixture adjustment screw controls access to the 3mm Allen key inserted through the tower directly in front of the fuel distributor. Turning clockwise Richens mixture, anti-clockwise naginje.Vijak is extremely sensitive , one only needs to move the turn of the screw at a time. After each adjustment, remove the Allen key (so you do not get stuck when the air flow meter panel rejects) and engine speed. Then recheck the voltage at the outlet. If the voltage stops fluctuating in its entirety, the oxygen sensor is cool and you've gone back to the "open-loop" operation, in which the lambda controller sends a default 50/50 duty cycle. Keep the engine at 2,000 rpm for a time to warm back up sensor.

Mercedes Van Parts - Add A Customized Appearance To Your Vehicle

Mercedes vehicles often focus on the feeling of luxury and optimum performance. While most people would not dream of changing any parts for Mercedes cars, there are some people who want to adapt the classical world models to suit their personal style. Mercedes Van parts are available for individuals who want to add a custom look to its decadent vehicle.

Most vehicles do not require any additional modifications to them, but there is a plethora of customization options that are available to individuals who want to tweak the current design of your vehicle. There is an abundance amount of Mercedes van parts that are available to the public for the help of proper maintenance, performance and appearance of their vehicles.

when the choice to change the parts in your Mercedes van is essential to have a strong understanding of what options are prilagodbe.Nekoliko most common things that individuals want to change in accordance with their specifications, the inner surface of their vehicles, their external surfaces , wheels, and seat covers.

When it comes to the interior of your vehicle, there are many things that Mercedes producers do to ensure you're always riding in the lap of luxury. However, there is one vehicle today that is invincible, so there May come a time when you need to replace, protect or stabilize the decadence of the inner layer of your vehicle.

When it comes to the interior of your vehicle, there are many things that Mercedes producers do to ensure you're always riding in the lap of luxury. However, there is one vehicle today that is invincible, so there May come a time when you need to replace, protect or stabilize the decadence of the inner layer of your vehicle.


Even though your wheels mercedes May look great when you buy a vehicle, time can work its toll on this area of ​​your vehicle. Over time, you can opt to change from the typical aluminum wheels that are on the vehicle to enhance the exterior surface of your vehicle.

seats are one area that many people tend to change in order to customize the look of your vozila.Velika thing about the seat covers you can easily replace that part of your vehicle without remorse. Mercedes vans parts may vary in price depending on the type of part you decide to replace, before adapting your vehicle to specifications that suit to save some money for his mission.

Rabu, 16 November 2011

Expect High Quality From Japanese Used Vehicles

Japanese used cars, which mainly include hatchbacks, trucks, SUV, sedan, and the cars are always top quality and excellent when it comes to fuel consumption. Japanese automotive industry is very well known for their vehicles worldwide. Able, which is Japan, which gave a different high-speed, fuel efficiency and cost-effective technologies in the world of the past few decades. There are a large number of Japanese car exporter who hold a sound reputation in case you are thinking of buying your next car that is cheaper than any other brand then you can certainly think of Japanese used cars.

With a tough economy during that prevails throughout the world with extreme recession, job cuts, retrenchments, layoffs, and people are losing their careers. Therefore these circumstances, it is very possible that you have been given to a brand new car, but due to financial constraints it is not now possible for you and it makes you consider opting for used Japanese vehicles. In this case, you will be able to find many options to choose from especially in the range of some very cheap cars new cars at affordable and a good job.

In contrast to various other parts of the world, Japanese used vehicles are especially low on mileage. It is estimated that these used cars on average have different mileage between 35-40000 milja.Vozači are very reasonable and the road conditions are also remarkable in the country. Moreover, in Japan the roads are usually jam packed with cars all the time so that is not possible for any driver to drive their car over the speed limit. Basically the drivers to follow traffic rules and regulations as these rules are very strict. Because of these very dense and crowded country with small cities and towns, pollution checking norms are very stringent.

So, while you are looking for Japanese used vehicles then you can be sure that you will get high quality vehicles at affordable rates, and also with excellent working condition. Most cars in Japan are very well maintained, carefully watched, and timely service. So, you're bound to get a high quality vehicle when you are opting for Japanese used vehicles

World' Best Cars Now Available at the Most Affordable Prices

Japan's best providers of the most famous car in the whole svijetu.Japan cars are known for their looks, sturdiness, fuel consumption, as well as troškove.Cijeli world is in love with cars that Japanese automakers get s. Recently economic recession is a well known fact that most people around the world cutting back on expenditures. The idea of ​​buying a luxury car or for that matter even a small car just beyond their means. However, Japan car manufacturers have come up with one of the most practical idea of providing their customers with affordable used cars. There are some online market place that provide an opportunity to fans of Japanese cars in order to acquire one of their favorite car in the easiest way.

These online stores can provide you with a multitude of possibilities between different types of Japanese automobila.Luksuznih car, the middle part of the car and sports utility vehicles are all available in the market place. Once you have made ​​a choice of vehicle type you want to buy immediately to the manufacturer's website automobila.Inventara that these online shops for the sale of Japanese cars are being updated, and can provide you with information about the latest affordable used cars.

and just go ahead and buy the most respected cars in the world, even in times of recession.

2 Reasons Why There Are Many Good Used Japan Cars For Sale

The whole world is aware of the fact that used Japan cars are the cheapest in this planet. Besides, Japan used cars come with many bundled accessories which make buying a used Japan car more profitable. All the used Japan cars that are sold will be in the top stanju.Izgleda used Japan cars will be as good as new. With all these good things have anyone wondered why these used Japan cars are sold for dead cheap prices? Just read the article to know the top 3 reasons behind the cheap price of used cars and Japan, the wide availability of the same.

1.Cijena car is the cheapest in Asia

will be well aware of the fact that prices of cars are the cheapest in the Asian countries. When it comes to Japan, the prices of cars are even dead cheap. That is why people buy new cars the Japanese often as new models are introduced. This makes their old used Japan cars that are sold at very low prices. As the old cars will be well maintained by the owner, you can see many good used cars for sale at very reasonable cijenama.Japanski used car inventory expands as people keep on buying new model cars and sell used car for a very low price.

2.Vrlo special Japanese loan system

Though this loan system can not be explained in few words, we will try our best to make it understandable in this članku.Pregled of auto loans in Japan is that you can buy a new car for almost half the original price of the vehicle. Here's how it works. Take for example that you are buying a car that costs $ 50,000 to the resale value of 50%. Through the unique Japanese loan system, you will pay only U.S. $ 25,000 per vehicle. The system auto loan provides the ability to deduct the resale value of the car. After about two years, you have to resell the car dealer and get a new car the same way. It seems Japan cars accumulate to the list.

People around the globe really have a hard time when importing luxurious used cars from other states. There are certain situations where the tax on the import of used car will be very much higher than the price for which you bought the car. However, things are very different in the case of importing used cars directly from Japan. You should have heard that importing used Japan cars are not associated with any import tax. Yes it is absolutely true. You do not have to pay a single penny as import tax and import used vehicles from Japan. Moreover, all the car related taxes are very low for used cars in Japan compared to others.


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