Jumat, 25 November 2011

Car Wash Fundraisers and Waste Water Restrictions in California

Many cities are disallowing car wash fundraisers unless non-profit group can guarantee that no dirty car wash soapy water will go into the storm drain. No matter how you feel about the government's philosophy on car wash fundraisers, we suggest that you follow some of the following Best Management Practices (BMP's) especially if your city or county regulates such discharges. They could not, and a little soap is actually good for the environment. I suggest that you use coconut-based soap or soap-based citrus. Maybe even try liquid organic Cleaner (LOC) from Amway. That does not make a lot of soap operas, but it works great and will not harm the environment or fish, if a little escape (car wash waste water discharges) finds its way into the storm drain. If you're in the city or county that regulates discharges from car wash fundraisers, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, you're going to have to follow the rules.

We suggest that you use the following water containing waste wash water and prevent waste from entering nearby storm drains or watercourses. We call this method "Best Management Practices" or "BMP". Your goal should be not to let any water containing soap to enter any storm drain. With this aim in mind, you should continue to have a great fundraiser and earn the much needed money that your organization deserves.

BMP # 1: Block off the storm drain. Try washing your car at the highest point, hopefully a flat surface. At the end of the day after most of the water evaporates, the remaining pump water into the sewer drain. If you are on a gas station, they can have a dump for RV WC.Clarifier is also good. Maybe restroom toilet. For sunny days most of the water will evaporate. If anyone in your group has a water pump to ask local authorities waste water, if you can borrow a pump for your event. Vacuum the water shop vacuum.

BMP # 2: Choose a place where cars can drive on grass or gravel before washing. This way soapy water can filter through vegetation and soil before entering the groundwater or run off into the drainage ditch or storm drain.

BMP # 3:. Have a car wash, but do not use soap

BMP # 4: Block off the storm drains and pump waste water left over in the grass or crops in time of water landscaping. Make the most of water evaporate before pumping so you do not overflow with plants.

BMP # 5:. Choose a place where water flows into the field or landscape just after the pavement ends

Because the water that makes it so bad anyway?

Well, first of all, we have chlorine in tap water. There is also magnesium and calcium. And that's before you even wash one car. If you spray the hose in the air that is what is in the water before it hits the ground. Because calcium and magnesium in the water in California, especially Southern California, it is necessary to soften our vode.Klora and we add fluoride to our water does not help either. Hard water spots are a big problem. Just park your car near the sprinklers at home and you'll see exactly what we are talking about. If your car is dark in color and you park it in the sun, a stronghold of the water will etch themselves into your clear coat and cause permanent damage to your paint job.Kemikalije bake the paint.

desert cities such as Lancaster, Palm Springs, etc. have a big problem with that. You see, when the 115 ° C in the shade, cars dry in three minutes. Fortunately, more hair can be dry in two car minute.Posada two can stay on top of it drying most cars in the 1:00 to 1:30 minuta.Glavni soaping.Sapun problem is dry before you rinse the water evaporates from the soap bucket every fifth automobil.Prskalica must follow soaper around the car, which is good because, at the time they were done, they are hot. They can take turns spraying each other off.

If you have ever taken any chemistry classes, you know that just about everything is soluble in water over time. Water can be combined with almost anything and make some pretty weird compounds, none of which are particularly good for the environment.

is caused by water hardness ions of calcium and magnesium that make water-insoluble compounds. You can also find the iron, and even traces of aluminum in our water. Our water is some of the clearest and cleanest in the world. It comes from the DWP (Department for water and electricity) and MWD (Metropolitan Water District). Actually it does not come from there. It begins as rain, drain lakes and rivers, and led to people canals, pipes and pumping stations.

So, that's exactly what's in the water before washing. Now here is what might be in the water after the car wash. 6-22 mg / l oil and grease. Usually it does not come off the car. This is what is already on the ground that the water washes. Yuk! How would you like to drink bottled water. There are also suspended solids (TSS) with concentrations of 35-151 mg / l. Much of the dirt, but we can never know where each car was and what was in the dirt (eg bird droppings). There will also be a foaming substance (soap) with concentrations from 0.3 to 1.41 mg / l, which is very low. However, I would not want to drink it or use to make ice cubes. Probably not, but there could also be toluene, ethylbenzene, and benzene. These are wicked ingredients that definitely do not want floating around in your pet's water bowl or cappuccino women. All other escape from the car wash meets the standards of drinking water, and certainly not going to adversely affect wildlife or kill any ocean going fish.

Regional Water Quality Control Board is not only the administrative bodies of water ispuĊĦtanja.Obalne Commission is also very concerned, as well as the Department of Fish and Game. Both agencies have the authority to issue civil penalties for water pollution.

For more information about water quality please contact:

California Department of Fish and Game

Marine Resources Division

330 Golden Shore, Suite 50

Long Beach, CA 90802

FAX (310) 590-5193

Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board

101 Centre Plaza Drive

Monterey Park, CA 91754

Monterey Park, CA 91754


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