Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Marketing - One of the Most Misunderstood Business Concepts

It is reasonable to question whether traditional marketing practice has little validity in the business environment today, when the Internet is significantly overshadowed many of the established forms of communication with customers and sales klijenata.Faktor the apparent death of professional marketers, others that it is largest companies, the increasing use of "web designers" not only to create presentation elements, but also greatly affect page content. It is not unusual, the designer will be converted to a business owner to provide the basic text, and then manipulated to fit the design parameters. This article examines the validity of this approach, as opposed to more structured methodology for marketing.

cynic would say that the definition of a marketing expert is someone is not actually employed in the marketing department, which means that everyone from the CEO to the janitor and their mothers. Unfortunately, there is some good reason for this negativity, partly because the concepts are widely misunderstood. Even in today's sophisticated business environment, it is still common to think that marketing is a title leaped to their feet for sale. Another is that marketing is basically a mysterious art, learned as MBA courses and honed the agency lunches.

the basic concepts of effective marketing have their place in every business, regardless of whether the traditional "brick and mortar" operation, online, or some combination of the two. Basically, the key elements of the impartial understanding of how and why products and related services business competes with the needs of their target segment. In this context, it remains in vogue for many business owners believe that their customers understand better than anyone else. Maybe they do, but loyal customer base May actually be in decline. Also, except in limited cases, customer loyalty is a relative thing, because the information is not so dependent on direct business odnosa.Internet has changed all that. Even the most loyal customer is likely to check alternative suppliers, even if only to justify staying with the current one. Should the information available from the competitors to offer better value on loyalty are truly numbered

Translated into its simplest terms, marketing finally gets down to creating and communicating value proposition to meet the needs of the target market. This implies unbiased knowledge about potential customers, their characteristics, perceptions and needs. It also means an objective assessment of what is offered, how to meet those needs and how best to introduce them to communicate. Only then can sales materials, including web page content to be truly meaningful and effective. It is truly a marketing role.

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