Dok je Volvo nastup u veljači je malo bolje nego prošle godine u istom razdoblju, godinu-to-date lik pokazuju 5,8 posto u odnosu na klizanje u prva dva mjeseca 2006. Tijekom prva dva mjeseca prošle godine, Volvo je uspio prodati 17.298 jedinica u SAD-u i Puerto Rico. Ove godine, međutim, nakon dva mjeseca, Volvo je samo uspio prodati 16.287 vozila u istom području.
...Dok je Volvo nastup u veljači je malo bolje nego prošle godine u istom razdoblju, godinu-to-date lik pokazuju 5,8 posto u odnosu na klizanje u prva dva mjeseca 2006. Tijekom prva dva mjeseca prošle godine, Volvo je uspio prodati 17.298 jedinica u SAD-u i Puerto Rico. Ove godine, međutim, nakon dva mjeseca, Volvo je samo uspio prodati 16.287 vozila u istom području.
...Recently, along with other players on the U.S. car market, Volvo has released its sales figure for February this godine.Volvo North America are reported to have sold 0.6 percent more units in the United States auto market in February this year compared to last year in the same razdoblju.Podružnica Swedish automaker sold 8468 units in February this year across the United States.
Recently, along with other players on the U.S. car market, Volvo has released its sales figure for February this godine.Volvo North America are reported to have sold 0.6 percent more units in the United States auto market in February this year compared to last year in the same razdoblju.Podružnica Swedish automaker sold 8468 units in February this year across the United States.
Translating...While the Volvo performance in February was slightly better than last year in the same period, year-to-date figure shows 5.8 percent compared to the slippage in the first two months of 2006. During the first two months of last year, Volvo has managed to sell 17,298 units in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. This year, however, after two months, Volvo has only managed to sell 16,287 vehicles in the same area.
While the Volvo performance in February was slightly better than last year in the same period, year-to-date figure shows 5.8 percent compared to the slippage in the first two months of 2006. During the first two months of last year, Volvo has managed to sell 17,298 units in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. This year, however, after two months, Volvo has only managed to sell 16,287 vehicles in the same area.
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